About me


Hi there. I'm Chu and I'm a 25-year old girl from Denmark. My username means "kiss" in Japanese. I picked it because it's short and cute, like myself <3 Also I used to watch a lot of anime and read/collect manga, like Death Note, Fullmetal Alchemist and countless of Shonen Ai's, but I have never been a proud "otaku" like some of you in here.

A few years back I was on a website called "goSupermodel", which was a lot like Caedon, Visual Popstar and Gaia. I was one of the few users who got the Junior Designer badge, which meant I got to make pixel-clothes for the avatar.

In my spare time, I like to watch series and draw on my tablet. I also play on my PC, Nintendo 3DS or on the Switch, once in a while.

Feel free to say hello. I'm new and I need friends ;) :D


My Comments

  • sirlionelnigelconrad said:

    Hey I'm grump. (5 years ago (Nov 5th, 2019))

  • -Nochtem- said:

    your avatar looks lovely! <3 (8 years ago (Sep 1st, 2017))

  • -Nochtem- said:

    *rapes your face* (8 years ago (Aug 29th, 2017))

  • -Nochtem- said:

    <3 (8 years ago (Aug 28th, 2017))

  • cnts said:

    LOL i had to force myself to be an early bird tbh im a major night owl xD well not much anymore but i used to be hahaha
    ALSO, what do you do for school???? and awwwh that's always sweet ; u; (8 years ago (Aug 23rd, 2017))

  • -Nochtem- said:

    LOL (8 years ago (Aug 23rd, 2017))