About me

I'm Lina. I'm 28-years-old. I live in Chicago land.
I'm an adorable zombie master, princess, soul collector, alpaca, witch,
Collector of fine shrubbery, totally not a cannibal,
Ravaen: Bestest best friend (though she's never on)
VEE: my veeness (picture books avilible for sale soon)
mercu: my mischievous mercu
Jae: my jaejae
Naeril: my cafe mate
Turtle: my sensei (the good friend who brought me here)
Featherquill: my dance partner. first official stalker of me.
ps. Prisma threw glitter in here, so you are now covered in glitter.

My Comments
Lina, I miss you ;n ; (5 years ago (Jan 11th, 2020))
LINA I MISS YOU (7 years ago (Jan 15th, 2018))
I understand. (8 years ago (Aug 22nd, 2017))
It's been awhile since you've been seen. We were worried you'd fallen off the planet. (8 years ago (Aug 19th, 2017))
We're starting to get worried about you... (8 years ago (Aug 4th, 2017))
lol no worries, i'm lie, never on here ahaha. not since I worked for the site really... (8 years ago (Jun 15th, 2017))