About me

Not much to tell other than I draw (both traditionally and digitally), play video games and I love the show Supernatural XD I can be hyper, but I'm nice unless you give me a reason to get upset with you (you'll know if you've upset me in any way) If there's anything you'd like to know just ask me ^w^

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My Comments

  • Atropa Belladonna said:

    aww dear your avi really is nice! like a warrior! (8 years ago (Jun 4th, 2017))

  • Gatorlec said:

    I hope thats not the case, though. (8 years ago (Apr 22nd, 2017))

  • Gatorlec said:

    Yeah. I mean because they were so hopeful and big plans and then disappeared off the face of the planet from us, I have wondered if something unfortunate may have happened to them. (8 years ago (Apr 22nd, 2017))

  • Gatorlec said:

    Lol yeah, I've been talking to you on saph about the kids and persona 5. Kind of a shame syn had to go down in flames like that. I liked the avatars and spent good money for my Monthly Copper Giveawa (8 years ago (Apr 22nd, 2017))

  • Gatorlec said:

    Was throwing me off. Lol Hey! Do you ever go on syn anymore? (8 years ago (Apr 22nd, 2017))

  • Gatorlec said:

    Until I realized you were Lucifers Savior from syn, I thought for sure you were my ex, Sammy. Your description sounds like something she would write but she dislikes horror, Supernatural (8 years ago (Apr 22nd, 2017))