About me

My actual name is Michael. I'm currently 26 and living with a few roommates in Washington, making rent off of scraps for now. I'm a tabletop gamer with a few videogames I really enjoy, and a big fan of most genres of music. If you hit me up about it, I probably have a lot of band suggestions. I also play pen and paper roleplaying games, namely Dungeons and Dragons and Pathfinder, and have for over a decade now. I'm always happy to answer questions and help out where I can, so please feel free to message me anything ya need!

Gogurt is my spirit Danimal.

My Comments

  • Aska said:

    Oh my! My face lover! I miss you T_T (5 years ago (Mar 25th, 2020))

  • Bonfire said:

    Thank youuuuuu (6 years ago (Jun 15th, 2019))

  • Varien said:

    That's a giant eye.. in the middle of your face. Holy shit xD (6 years ago (Jun 15th, 2019))

  • Kasheena said:

    I miss your stupid face. okaybye (8 years ago (Jan 10th, 2017))

  • Kasheena said:

    You haven't been on in a minute. Hope you're well! Autumn assault, October. Try adding John again. We'll keep in touch. Okay? (8 years ago (Jun 25th, 2016))

  • Kris said:

    yooooooooooooo (8 years ago (Jun 22nd, 2016))